Challenge - Big Fish¶
10 fish occupy a 5x5x5 grid of water 🐟. Each fish decides to move to a new (i,j,k) location given by the 2-d array below. If multiple fish end up occupying the same cell, the biggest fish eats the smaller fish. Determine which fish survive.
In [22]:
import numpy as np
locs = np.array([
generator = np.random.default_rng(1010)
weights = generator.normal(size=10)
[-1.69870017 0.53799701 -0.22561399 -1.09020894 0.55391264 -1.50115445 0.44545933 1.3448172 -1.12364327 0.21216015]
In [25]:
# Calculate the weights in descending order
reverse_sorted_weights = np.argsort(weights)[::-1]
# Get the first (since its heaviest to lightest) unique coordinates to see which one survive
_, indices = np.unique(locs[reverse_sorted_weights], axis=0, return_index=True)
# Get the fish that survive
surive_weight_indices = reverse_sorted_weights[indices]
surive_weight_indices, weights[surive_weight_indices]
(array([7, 1, 9, 3, 6, 4]), array([ 1.3448172 , 0.53799701, 0.21216015, -1.09020894, 0.44545933, 0.55391264]))