Challenge - Love Distance¶
You’re a relationship scientist, and you’ve developed a questionnaire that determines a person’s love score - a real-valued number between 0 and 100. Your theory is that two people with similar love scores should make a good match 👩❤️💋👨
Given the love scores for 10 different people, create a 2-d array where (i,j) gives the absolute difference of the love scores for person i and person j.
In [7]:
import numpy as np
generator = np.random.default_rng(1010)
love_scores = np.round(generator.uniform(low=0, high=100, size=10), 2)
[ 9.5 53.58 91.77 98.15 84.88 74.61 40.94 56.49 8.39 64.69]
In [10]:
distance = love_scores - love_scores[:, np.newaxis]
distance = np.absolute(distance)
array([[ 0. , 44.08, 82.27, 88.65, 75.38, 65.11, 31.44, 46.99, 1.11, 55.19], [44.08, 0. , 38.19, 44.57, 31.3 , 21.03, 12.64, 2.91, 45.19, 11.11], [82.27, 38.19, 0. , 6.38, 6.89, 17.16, 50.83, 35.28, 83.38, 27.08], [88.65, 44.57, 6.38, 0. , 13.27, 23.54, 57.21, 41.66, 89.76, 33.46], [75.38, 31.3 , 6.89, 13.27, 0. , 10.27, 43.94, 28.39, 76.49, 20.19], [65.11, 21.03, 17.16, 23.54, 10.27, 0. , 33.67, 18.12, 66.22, 9.92], [31.44, 12.64, 50.83, 57.21, 43.94, 33.67, 0. , 15.55, 32.55, 23.75], [46.99, 2.91, 35.28, 41.66, 28.39, 18.12, 15.55, 0. , 48.1 , 8.2 ], [ 1.11, 45.19, 83.38, 89.76, 76.49, 66.22, 32.55, 48.1 , 0. , 56.3 ], [55.19, 11.11, 27.08, 33.46, 20.19, 9.92, 23.75, 8.2 , 56.3 , 0. ]])