cs234 / lecture 6 - cnns and deep q learning
Limitations to Linear Value Function Approximation
- Assumes that the value function is a weighted combination of a set of features where each feature is a function of the state
- Requires carefully hand designing a feature set
- Would be much better if you could go from states without needing a specific feature set
- Local representations (like kernel approaches) doesn’t scale well to enormous state spaces and datasets
Deep Neural Networks
- Composition of multiple functions
- $J$ is the loss function
- $y = h_n(h _{n-1} (\dots h_1(\overrightarrow{x})))$
- Backpropgates gradient using the chain rule
- The h functions must be differentiable
- Linear: $h_n = w*h _{n-1}$
- Nonlinear: $h_n = f(h _{n-1})$ (activation functions like sigmoid or ReLU) Benefits:
- The h functions must be differentiable
- Uses distributed representations instead of local ones
- Universal function approximator
- Potentially need exponential fewer nodes/parameters (compared to a shallow net) to represent the same function
- Can learn parameters using stochastic gradient descent
Convolutional Neural Networks
- Fully Connected Network: Requires an enormous amount of data for visual data
- High space-time complexity
- Lack of structure + locality of info
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Considers the local structure + extraction of features
- Not fully connected
- Locality of processing
- Weight sharing for parameter reduction
- Local parameters that are idential for groups of pixels in the image
- Learns the parameters of multiple convolutional filter banks
- Compress to extract salient features and favors generalization
- Locality of Information
- Receptive Field: An input patch of where the hidden unit is connected to
- Stride: How much you move the patch
- Zero Padding: How many 0s to add to either side of an input layer
- Activation value of the hidden layer neuron: $g(b + \sum _i w_ix_i)$
- Feature Maps:
- All neurons in the first hidden layer capture the same feature just at different locations in hte feature map
- Feature: A pattern that makes a neuron produce a certain response level
- Pooling Layers:
- Used immediately after covolutional layers
- Simplifies / compresses infomration in the output from a convolutional layer
- Takes each feature map output from convolutional layer and prepares a condensed feature map
- Final Layer Fully Connected:
- Prior to final layer we are creating some feature representation
- Final layer is used to make a prediction
Deep Q-Networks (DQN)
- Represent value function, policy, and model using DNNs
DQNs in Atari
- End to end learning of values $Q(s, a)$ from pixels s
- Input state $s$ is stack of raw pixels from last 4 frames
- Allows you to grab velocity + position of the ball
- Output is $Q(s, a)$ for 18 joystick/button presses
- Reward is change in score for that step
- Same network architecture and hyperparameters across all games
- Input state $s$ is stack of raw pixels from last 4 frames
- Minimize MSE loss with stochastic gradient
- Divergence with Q-learning
- Correlations between samples
- Non-stationary targets
- Address divergence with
- Experience Replay
- Fixed Q Targets
DQN: Experienced Replay
- To help remove correlations, store dataset (a reply buffer) from prior experience
- To perform experience replay, repeat the following
- Sample an experience tuple from the dataset $(s, a, r, s’)$
- Compute the target value for the sampled $s: r + \gamma max _{a’}\hat{Q}(s’, a’; w)$
- Use stochastic gradient descent to update weights
- $\Delta w = \alpha (r + \gamma max _{a’}\hat{Q}(s’, a’; w) - \hat{Q} (s, a; w))\nabla_w \hat{Q}(s, a; w)$
Fixed Q Targets
- To improve stability, fix the target weights used in the target calculation for multiple updates
- Fix the w in $r + \gamma V(s’; w)$ for several rounds
- Approximation of the oracle of the $V^\ast$
- Use a different set weights to compute target than that is being updated
- $w^-$: Set of weights used for target computation
- Gets updated periodically (i.e., every $n$ steps $w^- = w$)
- $w$: Set of weights being updated
- $w^-$: Set of weights used for target computation
- Computation of target changes: $r + \gamma max _{a’}\hat{Q}(s’, a’; w^-)$
- SGD: $\Delta w = \alpha (r + \gamma max _{a’}\hat{Q}(s’, a’; w^-) - \hat{Q} (s, a; w))\nabla_w \hat{Q}(s, a; w)$
- Fix the w in $r + \gamma V(s’; w)$ for several rounds
Double DQN
- Similar idea to Double Q Learning but we have one network to selection actions and one network to evaluate actions
- $w$: Weights for network used to select actions
- $w^-$: Weights for network used to evaluate actions
- $\Delta w = \alpha (r + \gamma \hat{Q}(argmax _{a’} \hat{Q}(s’, a’; w); w^-) - \hat{Q}(s, a; w))$
- Action Selection: $argmax _{a’} \hat{Q}(s’, a’; w)$
- Action Evaluation: $\hat{Q}(argmax _{a’} \hat{Q}(s’, a’; w); w^-)$
- Swap the $w^-$ and $w$ on each timestep which ensures both sets of weights get updated frequently
- Avoids maximization bias
Prioritized Replay
- Prioritizing which replay you sample leads to exponential improvements in covergence (if we had a perfect oracle that could tell us the next replay to choose)
- Heuristic: Prioritize Tuples Based on DQN Error:
- Let i be the index of the tuple of experience $(s_i, a_i, r_i, s _{i+1})$
- Sample tuples using priority function
- Priority of tuple is proportional to DQN error: $p_i = \vert r + \gamma max _{a’} Q(s _{i+1}, a’; w^-) - Q(s_i, a_i; w)\vert$
- Update $p_i$ every update (initially set to 0)
- Probability of selecting that tuple: $P(i) = \frac{p_i^\alpha}{\sum_k p_k^\alpha}$
Dueling DQN
- Intuition: Features needed for value are not necessarily the features you need to determine the benefit of an action
- Advantage Function: $A^\pi(s, a) = Q^\pi(s,a) - V^\pi(s)$
- Dueling DQNs seperate the value function and advantage function and estimate them seperately and then recombine them for the Q function
- Not identifiable $\rightarrow$ given a $Q^\pi$ we cannot decompose it into a unique $A^\pi$ and $V^\pi$