cs234 / lecture 7 - imitation learning
Generalization and Efficiency
- For learning in a generic MDP, it requires a large number of samples to learn a good policy $\rightarrow$ generally infeasible.
- Alternative: Use structure + additional knowledge to constrain and speed up reinforcement learning
- Reinforcement Learning: Policies guided by rewards
- Pros: Simple and cheap form of supervision
- Cons: High sample complexity
- Good for simulations where data is easy and parallelization is easy
- Bad when actions are slow, expensive/intolerable to fail, and want to be safe
Reward Shaping
- Rewards that are dense in time closely guide the agent
- Can either manually design them (brittle)
- Specify them through demonstrations
Learning from Demonstrations
- Types of Learning from Demonstrations: Inverse RL, Imitation Learning
- Expert Provides a set of demonstration trajectories (sequences of states and actions)
- Useful when its easier for an expert to demonstrate the desired behavior rather than specifying a reward function to generate the behavior or desired policy directly
Problem Setup:
- Input:
- State Space, Action Space
- Transition Model
- No Reward Function
- Set of one or more teacher’s demonstrations $(s_0, a_0, s_1, \dots) \rightarrow$ actions from teacher’s policy, $\pi^\ast$
- Behavioral Cloning: Can we directly learn the teacher’s policy using supervised learning
- Inverse RL: Can we recover the reward function
- Apprenticeship Learning via Inverse RL: Can we use R to generate a good policy
- Input:
Behavioral Cloning
- Formulate the problem as a standard machine learning problem
- Fix a policy class: neural nets, decision trees, etc.
- Estimate the policy from training examples $(s_0, a_0),(s_1, a_1), \dots$
- Problem: Compound Errors
- Supervised Learning assumed Independent + Identically Distributed (IID) Random Variables and ignores temporal structure
- Error at time $t$ has probability of $\epsilon \rightarrow E[\text{Total Errors}] \leq \epsilon T$ where T is the total number of time steps
- If a different action deviates from the one found in the expert example, then we come across a state space that was likely never seen before $\rightarrow$ compounds to larger errors
- Error at time $t$ has probability of $\epsilon \rightarrow E[\text{Total Errors}] \leq \epsilon(T + (T-1) + (T-2) \dots) \approx \epsilon T^2$
- Supervised Learning assumed Independent + Identically Distributed (IID) Random Variables and ignores temporal structure
DAGGER: Dataset Aggregation
- Idea: Get more data from expert along the path taken by the policy computed by behavior cloning
- For every state you encounter in a trajectory, you ask the expert
- Initialize $D \leftarrow \emptyset$, $\hat{\pi}_1$ to any policy
- for i = 1 to N
- Let $\pi_i = \beta_i\pi^\ast + (1-\beta)\hat{\pi}_i$
- Sample T trajectories using $\pi_i$
- Get dataset $D_i = {(s, \pi^\ast(s))}$ of visited states by $\pi_i$ and actions given by expert
- Aggregate datasets: $D \leftarrow D \cup D_i$
- Train classifier $\hat{\pi} _{i+1}$ on $D$
- Return best $\hat{\pi}_i$ during validation
Feature Based Reward Function
- Given a state space, action space, and transition model
- Not given a reward function
- There exists a set of teacher demonstrations $(s_0, a_0, s_1, a_1 \dots)$ based on the teacher’s policy
- We want to infer the reward function
- Teacher’s policy should be optimal because we cannot infer anything when its not optimal (i.e., random behavior)
- There can be multiple reward functions (not unique)
Linear Feature Reward Inverse RL
- Rewards can be linear over the features: $R(s) = w^Tx(s)$ where $w \in \mathbb{R}^n , x: S \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$
- We want to identify the weights given a set of demonstrations
- Value Function for a policy: $V^\pi = \mathbb{E}[\sum _{t=0}^\infty \gamma^t R(s_t)] = \mathbb{E}[\sum _{t=0}^\infty \gamma^t w^T x(s_t) \vert \pi]$
- $= w^T \mathbb{E}[\sum _{t=0}^\infty \gamma^t x(s_t) \vert \pi] = w^T \mu(\pi)$
- $\mu(\pi)(s)$: discounted weighted frequnecy of state features under policy $\pi$
- $= w^T \mathbb{E}[\sum _{t=0}^\infty \gamma^t x(s_t) \vert \pi] = w^T \mu(\pi)$
Apprenticeship Learning
- $V^\ast = \mathbb{E}[\sum _{t=0}^\infty \gamma^t R^\ast(s_t) \vert \pi^\ast] \geq V^\pi = \mathbb{E}[\sum _{t=0}^\infty \gamma^t R^\ast(s_t) \vert \pi]$
- Therefore we can find weights such that $w ^{\ast T} \mu(\pi^\ast) \geq w ^{\ast T} \mu(\pi) \forall \pi \neq \pi^\ast$
Feature Matching:
- We want to find a reward function that the expert policy outperforms all other policies
- For a policy to perform as well as the expert, it suffices we have a policy where its discounted sum of feature expectations match the expert policy
- $\vert\vert \mu(\pi) - \mu(\pi^\ast) \vert \vert \leq \epsilon$
- $\vert w^T\mu(\pi) - w^T\mu(\pi^\ast) \vert \leq \epsilon$
- Assume: $R(s) = w^T x(s)$
- Initialize policy: $\pi_0$
- For $i = 0, 1, 2 \dots$
- Find a reward function such that the teacher maximally outperforms all previous controllers
- $argmax_w max_\gamma s.t. w^T\mu(\pi^\ast) \geq w^T\mu(\pi) + \gamma \forall \pi$
- s.t. $\vert \vert w \vert \vert \leq 1$
- Find optimal control policy $\pi_i$ for the current $w$
- Exit if $\gamma \leq \epsilon / 2$
- Find a reward function such that the teacher maximally outperforms all previous controllers
- Ambiguity: Infinite number of reward and policies; which one should we pick?