cs234 / lecture 1 - introduction to reinforcement learning
Goal: Use data / experience to make the best sequence of good decisions under certainty Credit Assignment Problem: The causal relationship between actions and future rewards
Optimization | Exploration | Generalization | Delayed Consequences | |
Reinforcement Learning | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Planning | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Supervised Machine Learning | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Unsupervised Machine Learning | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Imitation Learning | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Imitation Learning
Learning to do something by observing another agent do that task.
- Great tools for supervised learning
- Avoids exploration problem
- When there is lots of data, we have data over many outcomes
- Expensive to capture
- Limited by data collected
Sequential Decision Making
Goal: Maximize total expected future reward
- balance long-term and immediate rewards
- require strategic behavior to achieve high rewards
History: $h_t = (a_1, o_1, r_1…a_t, o_t, r_t)$
- $a$: the action
- $o$: the observation
- $r$: the reward
- $t$: the time (discrete time period)
- state, $s_t = (h_t)$, is a function of history
World State: The true state of the world generates next state + reward. This is usually unknown to the agent
Markov Assumption: To predict the future, you only need to know the current state (future independent of past given the present) $$p(s _{t+1}| s_t, a_t) = p(s _{t+1}| h_t, a_t) $$
Setting the state as the history will always make the problem markov (but that is a lot information $\rightarrow$ using most recent observation for state is generally enough)
- Fully Observable World: Agent state and world state are the same $\rightarrow s_t = o_t$
- Partially Observable World: Agent state and the world state are not the same $\rightarrow$ agent constructs its own state. Uses history, beliefs about the world, etc. to construct its own state. Examples: Poker (you only see your own cards), Healthcare (don’t see all physiological processes)
Types of Sequential Decision Processes
- Bandits: Actions have no influence on next observations and no delayed rewards
- MDPs and POMDPs: Actions influence observations
- Deterministic: Given a history and action, there is a single observation and reward
- Stochastic: Given a history and action, there are many potential observations and rewards
RL Algorithm Components
Model: Representation of how the world changes in response to an agent’s action
- Transition: $p(s _{t+1} = s’ \vert s _t, a _t)$
- Reward: $r(s_t = s, a_t = a) = E[r_t \vert s_t = s, a_t = a]$
Policy: Function mapping of agent’s states to action
- Deterministic: One action per state
- Stochastic: Distribution of actions per state
Value Function: Future rewards from being in a state and/or action when following a policy
- Expected discounted sum of rewards
- Formula: $V^\pi(s_t = s) = E _{\pi}[r_t + \gamma r _{t+1}+ \gamma^2 r _{t+2} + \dots \vert s_t = s]$
- Discount Factor: weighs immediate vs future rewards
- Quantify the goodness or badness of states and actions
Types of RL Agents
- Model Based: Explicit model $\rightarrow$ may or may not have a policy and/or value function
- Model Free: No explicit model $\rightarrow$ explicit policy and/or value function
Challenges in RL
- Agent doesn’t know how the world works
- Agent needs to know how to interact with the world to make good decisions
- Agent needs to figure out how to improve policy
Exploration and Exploitation
- Exploration: Trying new things to enable the agent to make better decisions in the future
- Exploitation: Choosing actions that are expected to yield good rewards given past experience
Evaluation and Control
- Evaluation: Given a policy, estimate the reward
- Control: Find the best policy